它在照明的同時產生大量的負離子.在自然界中,植物光合作用、瀑布、雷雨閃電都能產生空氣 負離子。含有負離子的空氣令人呼吸舒暢、心曠神怡,當空氣負離子濃度較高時,能抑制多種病菌繁殖、 凈化室內空氣中的塵、煙、花粉、毛屑等可吸入顆粒物。
它在照明的同時產生大量的負離子.在自然界中,植物光合作用、瀑布、雷雨閃電都能產生空氣 負離子。含有負離子的空氣令人呼吸舒暢、心曠神怡,當空氣負離子濃度較高時,能抑制多種病菌繁殖、凈化室內空氣中的塵、煙、花粉、毛屑等可吸入顆粒物。
它在照明的同時產生大量的負離子.在自然界中,植物光合作用、瀑布、雷雨閃電都能產生空氣 負離子。含有負離子的空氣令人呼吸舒暢、心曠神怡,當空氣負離子濃度較高時,能抑制多種病菌繁殖、 凈化室內空氣中的塵、煙、花粉、毛屑等可吸入顆粒物。
它在照明的同時產生大量的負離子.在自然界中,植物光合作用、瀑布、雷雨閃電都能產生空氣 負離子。含有負離子的空氣令人呼吸舒暢、心曠神怡,當空氣負離子濃度較高時,能抑制多種病菌繁殖、凈化室內空氣中的塵、煙、花粉、毛屑等可吸入顆粒物。
Xiamen Pharmaceutical Purification Project Construction
The service items supply the design, construction and installation of purification engineering for electronic workshops, food and medical workshops, as well as the operation and sustainable and stable development of the decoration and renovation of the purification workshops.
Design of purification workshop for pharmaceutical production (class 100,000)
Undertake services in high-tech industries such as pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, electronics, precision instruments, aviation, bioengineering, food industry, cosmetics industry, scientific research and teaching. Provide customers with design, consulting, construction, testing and other industries to provide professional air purification,
Medical purification clean engineering decoration
Laboratory decoration: construction of clean rooms, sterile rooms, clean workshops, clean workshops; epoxy resin floor; PVC floor; electronic air control valve; air conditioning purification system; ventilation system engineering; stainless steel engineering, etc.;
Food factory purification workshop project
With the improvement of people's living standards, people's increasing attention to their own life and health and the internationalization of food sales and consumption,